by Mischa Popoff

No matter where America has excelled, liberals believe we have failed
and government needs to step in. To wit: according to food socialists Mark Bittman and Michael Pollan,
“How we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on Americans’
well-being than any other human activity. Yet we have no food policy for
managing American agriculture or the food system as a whole.”
Within 24 hours, the emperor of global warming Himself, Al Gore, weighed in saying the article was brilliant, despite the fact it most certainly was not.
America has the most efficient food system the world has ever known
because we already have a plan. It’s called free enterprise, and it
relies on a couple million farmers ranging in age from 16 to 100 to make
decisions about how best to grow the food we eat. What Bittman, Pollan
and Gore want is to centralize that decision-making process, putting it
in the hands of bureaucrats who’ll make Obamacare navigators look
helpful by comparison.
Nice try guys… you really thought we were going to forget the last 238 years of success?
Alternative energy, you-can-keep-your-doctor Obamacare, the cities of
Detroit and Chicago, and Michelle Obama’s disastrous school-lunch
program, these are NOT good models for our food system. Stalin’s and
Mao’s experiments with centralized farm policy resulted in millions
starving to death. But Bittman and Pollan are oblivious because they are
urban organic activists; people who don’t run farms but who believe
they have the right to tell American farmers how to run theirs.
How? The only way Western socialists have ever believed farms should
be run: organically, a philosophy of farming that is best summed up by
its unconditional rejection of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs).
Gore has until now avoided supporting anti-GMO organic production,
appreciating perhaps that it releases far more greenhouse gasses than
conventional agriculture does. But when the prospect of controlling
farmers from Washington came up, he apparently couldn’t resist.
A conversion to more organic farming across America would require
more land to make up for lower yields, and involve an
exponentially-higher risk of crop failure thanks to the organic
movement’s rejection of advanced pesticides that target weeds and
insects. And for what? There’s no evidence whatsoever that
organic farming provides purer or more nutritious crops than modern
farming does. And this has Bittman, Pollan and Gore excited?
This new breed of activists seeks to create a new “green” pricing
scheme, one in which the price of food doubles to match what it costs to
feed a family over in anti-GMO, pro-organic Europe. British fashion
designer Dame Vivienne Westwood put
it best when she said people who can’t afford organic food should just
eat less. If only Marie Antoinette had said “Let them eat certified-organic cake” she might not have hastened her demise.
This is what carbon taxation, credits and trading are all about for
Gore and Co.: an alternate universe in which actual goods and services
are replaced with a dream, a dream of nothing. No fuel, no civilization …
just frugality and barely enough organic food to scrape by on, all for
the sake of a serene, collective oneness with Mother Earth.
Whether they slow down the economy by driving up energy costs, or by driving up the cost of food, the results are the same either way: a colossal drag on civilization.
Coupled with this organic charade is of course the battle against
obesity (something Mr. Gore clearly knows a thing or two about). But can
someone please tell me why we need to worry if Americans die of
obesity? We’re all going to die somehow. Why pretend obesity is a
“crisis” while people still starve to death in the Third World?
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